Blockchain Developmemt

Blockchain Protocol

Layer 1

Layer 1 is the foundational level of a blockchain network, encompassing the main protocol and its inherent capabilities. This base layer is responsible for key functions such as consensus mechanisms, security, and the execution of transactions directly on the blockchain. Notable examples of Layer 1 blockchains include Bitcoin, which uses Proof of Work (PoW), and Ethereum, which is transitioning to Proof of Stake (PoS). These primary networks are designed to be decentralized and secure, ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of the blockchain.

Layer 2

Layer 2 comprises supplementary protocols built atop Layer 1 blockchains, designed to enhance scalability and transaction efficiency without modifying the core network. By offloading transaction processing to secondary frameworks, Layer 2 solutions like the Lightning Network for Bitcoin and rollups for Ethereum enable faster and cheaper transactions. These innovations address the limitations of Layer 1, such as congestion and high fees, by improving throughput and reducing costs, thereby enhancing the overall performance and user experience of blockchain systems.

Our Blockchain Development Services

Token creation

We help you empower your cryptocurrency startup and business by unlocking the maximum potential in this space. Our professional crypto token developers are capable of generating any crypto token depending on your specifications.

P2P Marketplace

We create the best P2P lending services that are tailored to the wants and ideologies of the client while satisfying market standards in order to stay ahead of the competition.

NFT Marketplace

We can develop an NFT Marketplace from scratch for you allowing you to launch and scale your marketplace in days rather than weeks or months. Our experience in creating scalable trading platforms is significant.

Web 3 apps

We create secure and scalable decentralized applications with WEB 3 Technology for a variety of industries. Our dApp developers have the skills necessary to transform your concepts into solid, usable applications that provide superior user experience.

Decentralized exchange

Your blockchain project needs a sustainable ecosystem so that it can scale up and stay economically stable, but building your own DEX from scratch is not easy therefore. We are here to help you with all your DEX development leads.

Smart Contract

With the help of our blockchain smart contract solutions, you may execute business contracts in a more efficient, dependable, automated, immutable, decentralized, Temper-proof, self-auditing, and other ways.

- Token Creation and Token Development

Mulsan IT can help you empower your cryptocurrency startup and business by unlocking the maximum potential in this space.

Mulsan IT, a Token Creation Company, offers best-in-class crypto token development services on various blockchain platforms including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, TRON, Solana, Polygon, and others. We specialize in the creation of crypto tokens ranging from ERC20 to NFT. Our professional crypto token developers are capable of generating any crypto token depending on your specifications.

It is now simple to popularize your crypto-based ventures using your brand's native coin. Create your own crypto token on a famous blockchain network and raise cash by allowing people to contribute without reluctance.

We will create BEP20 token, ERC20 token, custom BEP20 token, CRC20 token smart contract for Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, Cronos which is compatible for token listing on any crypto token exchange.

  • deployment available
  • source code VERIFICATION with ✔️ tick
  • Highly secure ERC20 / BEP20 token smart contract source code.
Optional Features:
  • Burning/Minting
  • Reflections
  • Auto-LP
  • Buy/Sell Tax
  • ERC20 Transferring Ownership
  • Capping Max Supply
  • Vesting
  • Buyback
  • Presales contract
DeFi Token development

We will create a DeFi token catered to all your needs, we will help to create DeFi tokens for various businesses such as in the field of security, equity and utility based DeFi tokens as per your needs.

Ethereum Token Development

We will create your own Ethereum token with custom smart contracts and features catered to your needs. Creation and Audit on various Ethereum standards such as ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-223, ERC-777, ERC-1400, ERC-827, ERC-1155.

Metaverse Tokens

We will help you create Metaverse Tokens on top of blockchain platforms based on your needs to suit your metaverse business the best.

- P2P Marketplace

Do you want a fully functional ICO website, cryptocurrency exchange trading website? Then you're on the right track! We have a dedicated development team, and we have decided to make our work and services available online in order to provide the best service to our clients.

We create and design ICO websites, cryptocurrency exchange trading websites, and trading websites exactly to your specifications, and we guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.

A cryptocurrency, also known as crypto, is a digital asset designed to function as a medium of exchange in which individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger that exists in the form of a computerized database and employs best cryptography to secure transaction records, manage the creation of additional coins, and verify the transfer of coin ownership.

The future of how we do transactions is the P2P cryptocurrency exchange. Without involving a third party, it provides smooth transactions. In this decentralized P2P network, user credentials and privacy are kept private. In transactions, both parties agree to an exchange of cryptocurrencies under pre-established terms.

As a result of the platform's foundation in distributed ledger technology, once information has been entered into the system, it cannot be changed.

Peer-to-peer exchanges, also referred to as P2P exchanges, are a particular type of exchange that lets traders do business with one another directly. P2P exchanges provide a number of advantages over traditional exchange models, but the most alluring benefit is the absence of a central authority to regulate transactions.

P2P lending platform development services are comprehensive and reasonably priced with blockchain technology. help corporations, startups, and small businesses create a highly customizable peer-to-peer lending platform so you can start using it right away. We create the best P2P lending services that are tailored to the wants and ideologies of the client while yet satisfying market standards in order to stay ahead of the competition.

- NFT Marketplace

You don't need a 500+ page whitepaper to build a groundbreaking Non-Fungible Token Marketplace. Nor do you need a team of developers to build an entire ecosystem and token economy around it. We've already got you covered, we can develop an NFT Marketplace from scratch for you allowing you to launch and scale your marketplace in days rather than weeks or months. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business thrive and grow!

The top NFT Marketplace Development Company worldwide is based in Mulsan. Our experience in creating scalable trading platforms is significant. Businesses have the chance to create a new source of income thanks to the development of the NFT marketplace. Because of NFT's distinctive characteristics, more options exist for achieving superior results.

White label NFT Marketplace Development is currently seeing tremendous growth because to the great enthusiasm that so many people and companies are expressing in it. NFTs have ushered in a new era of innovation in the cryptocurrency sector. We make sure that by providing NFT development services, we may turn into a platform for artists and other original producers to get income.

What We Cover:
  • Smart contracts
  • Responsive NFT minting website and minting engine
  • NFT Marketplace
  • Wallet integration
  • Generation of Artwork & Metadata from image layers on provided traits
How to build NFT Marketplace
  • Beginning with UI Development
  • build a prototype
  • The NFT Development
  • Creation of buy/sell logic
  • Smart Contract Development
  • Test and open your market.
Web3 Apps/dApps

Apps that use one of the WEB3 technologies, such as distributed computing, VR/AR, big data, artificial intelligence, neural learning, and blockchain for decentralization, which are known as WEB3 applications.

We create secure and scalable decentralized applications for a variety of industries, with a particular emphasis on DeFi, NFTs, and gaming. Our dApp developers have the skills necessary to transform your concepts into solid, usable applications that provide superior user experience.

We use ReactJs, Solidity, and other web3 deployment languages and programs to fulfill the needs of the perfect web3 application.

We Offer Services in the following
  • Smart Contracts development using Solidity
  • Web3 integration
  • Unit testing and testing using testnets such as Ropsten and Goerli networks.
  • Metamask wallet integration
  • In-depth knowledge of ERC20 & ERC721 Smart Contracts
  • Deployment to main net using Infura.
  • NFT contract
  • Token/ coin Contract
  • Defi EXchange
  • BEP1155
  • Truffle
  • NFT minit
  • Opensea minting
frameworks & Tools we can use:
  • React for UI
  • Ether JS
  • Hardhat
  • MetaMask Wallet Integration
  • Mocha and Chai tests
  • Moralis
  • Dapp
  • Defi
  • BSC

    The web application will have the following features.

  • Secure, fast, and SEO optimized with SEO friendly URLs
  • Well Structured and Cross Browser Compatible
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Secure Authentication
  • Full Fledged admin panel for controlling the application and many more
DEX (Decentralized Exchange)

Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) have gained popularity despite centralized exchanges' longer existence and greater user base because of their shortcomings, which have been gaining a lot of attention. DEXs provide the same services as their peer-to-peer trading counterparts but with further advantages such as total security, transparency, privacy, and inclusivity. Additionally, customers would have total control over their crypto holdings, a feature that centralized exchanges lacked. We have only begun to explore DEXs' full potential. Therefore, creating and launching a DEX platform in the market today will be profitable for your company.

Internet transactions and the use of virtual currency are on the rise in today's digital age. To stop fraud worldwide, virtual transactions need a secure and bug-free trading platform. With years of experience creating cryptocurrency exchange software and apps, Sara Technologies is a reputable cryptocurrency exchange development company.

Decentralized Exchange Development has expanded to enormous proportions in recent years, enabling customers to obtain direct trades without the involvement of third middlemen. Users' security and privacy are given the utmost priority. Little personal information is disclosed as a result, promoting more openness.

Your blockchain project needs a sustainable ecosystem so that it can scale up and stay economically stable, but building your own DEX from scratch is not easy therefore Mulsan IT is here to help you with all your DEX development leads.

Mulsan IT is your destination for building decentralized crypto exchanges based on different blockchains, extremely robust, reliable, and specific to your needs.

We can create DEX with features and functionality just as any other major exchanges such as Sushi Swap and Pancake Swap.

  • Set up
  • Make your own branding by customizing UI components. Set your trading parameters, such as order costs, transaction fees, matcher address, and relayed strategy.

  • Plugin
  • To construct a customized blockchain plugin, write a custom programmed connection or utilize pre-defined abstracting blockchain processes.

  • Integration with wallets
  • Include a wallet for a certain blockchain and with the help of smart contracts swaps can be implemented.

Our Swap employs an automated market maker (AMM) architecture in which users trade against a liquidity pool. These pools are funded by user contributions. They deposit them into the pool in exchange for liquidity provider (or LP) tokens. They can regain their share as well as a fraction of the trading costs by using those tokens.

If necessary, we can additionally build Yield farming and Stacking features.

Sushiswap fork is also available for Multi Chain Dex.

  • Effective User Interface
  • Complete Transaction History
  • Two-factor Authentication
  • Admin Panel Dashboard
  • Payment getaway support